التميز نهنئ مدارسنا لحصولها على التميَز المدرسي من هيئة التقويم والتدريب .. أولياء الأمور الأعزاء .. أنتم شركاء أساسيون في نجاحنا. شكرًا لأنكم جزءًا لا يتجزأ من مسيرتنا نحو التميًز
الأخبار تتقدم مدارس دار الحنان بتهنئتكم بحلول شهر رمضان الفضيل داعياً المولى عزوجل أن يتقبل صيامنا، وجميع طاعاتنا، وأن يجعلنا من عتقائه من النار، وأن يعيده علينا وعلى أمة الإسلام أعواماً عديدة، ونحن في صحة وأمن ورخاء.

Drama day 2024 - 2025

For the fifth year, Dar Alhanan School conducts a very lively and purposeful student-led event: Drama Day. This year is very special as it merges Culture Day with Drama & theater. Therefore it is called Drama Festival. Students work for long weeks to plan and prepare for this big event organized by the English department. The total of 20 to 30 plays and performances are acted and presented live on stage at the presence of big audience: around 200 to 300 moms and ladies’ guests from Jeddah community. In the past years, in this event, the plays tackle essential topics, such as school bullying and accomplishing happiness by promoting love of reading and pursuing one’s dreams. Drama Day included much more relevant themes and delivered valuable messages to the community. For this big event, students write original play scripts or perform scenes from popular literature works from different parts of the world. The majority of the presented play are original scripts written by the students themselves, and some are taken from popular literature works. Drama learning is an essential part of the English program in Dar Alhanan and it is part of the school’s Vision and Mission. The event integrates multiple skills such as leadership, creativity, time-management, collaboration, literacy, self-dependence, decision making and public speaking. All students of Dar Alhanan involve and contribute to this big event. Students are held accountable to either acting, script writing, technology/media tasks, stage props or costume design. The event is sponsored by well-known Saudi companies who never hesitate to support this valuable learning experience. Sponsors are usually Saudi or regional companies who support international school programs/curricula. In every year there is media coverage before, during and after the event to make sure this distinguished event receives sufficient recognition from the society. Special thanks to the dedicated and creative team of English in Dar Alhanan School who put tremendous effort to coach and support students from KG to Twelfth Grade to excel and showcase their abilities and talents.

الأخبار والفعاليات